Project Context

In 2019, MSU Denver engaged Campus Works LLC to perform an ERP Assessment. Over the course of one week, the Campus Works team met with over 100 Roadrunners to gauge the prevailing opinion of the Ellucian Banner environment and appetite for change, and to make a recommendation for MSU Denver’s future ERP system strategy. In summary, Campus Works determined that the present Banner implementation was no longer effectively meeting the needs of the campus and recommended that MSU Denver consider a reimplementation or replacement of the platform.

With this in mind, in early 2020, Human Resources and Information Technology Services launched an RFP for a replacement HRIS solution with a willingness to consider both “add-on” solutions and full replacement platforms. Following a thorough bid process, Workday HCM was selected. An evaluation of the Workday Financials platform followed, and the University ultimately opted to proceed with a combined HCM/Financial implementation, supported by Collaborative Solutions LLC as the awarded implementation partner.

Project Overview

Workday will allow MSU Denver to reimagine the business of the University, enabling organizational efficiency and empowering our community to make timely strategic decisions, support our students and core mission, and become one of Colorado’s most desired places of employment by implementing an agile, sustainable and modern system.

Why Workday?

Workday will replace Banner, our current HR and Finance management system. Banner is outdated and can no longer meet the evolving needs of our staff, faculty and students.

What are the benefits of implementing Workday?

By moving to Workday, employees will benefit from a system that is easy to use, equipped with powerful tools and provides lots of self-service functionalities that previously did not exist.

What does success look like?

Our people are our number one priority. By implementing Workday, we will boost employee engagement, maximize productivity and increase efficiency across the University – less time focused on processes and more time focused on our employees and students. We want to transform the way our employees work, making their lives and jobs easier. Workday will help us do that.

Workday FAQ

For answers to additional Workday-related questions, please see the Workday FAQ webpage.

Project Phases

The Workday initiative was broken into three main phases:

Strategy and Organizational Readiness

In August 2021, Collaborative Solutions began working on a Strategy and Organizational Readiness engagement, which was completed in December 2021. During this phase, we finalized decisions around system architecture, data structures, and job duties. We also launched project governance, change management, and communication efforts.

Phase 1

The core implementation launched in March 2022 and took 10-12 months to complete. We leveraged a project plan rooted in Workday’s Launch Methodology and branded by Collaborative Solutions as Xcelerate. Based on this timeline, we went live with both the Human Capital Management and Financials solutions in early 2023. This phase represented the most intensive period in the overall project and required focused engagement from all stakeholder groups.

Phase II

Workday Phase II kicked off in March 2023 and continued throughout the spring and summer. The following functional areas were included in Phase II:

  • Prioritizing talent optimization for employee development, which includes performance reviews/evaluations and performance-improvement plans, as well as succession planning, allowing our employees to showcase their career progression.
  • Enhancing effort certification for grant management.
  • Implementing a new supplier portal.
  • Incorporating more robust budgeting and adaptive planning tools.

Phase II brought even more efficiency and further enabled supervisors to lead their teams more thoughtfully and empower all employees to do their best work.

Strategic Drivers

This initiative directly supports three of the five pillars in MSU Denver’s 2030 Strategic Plan:

Pillar III: Civic and Economic Catalyst

  • Through this project, MSU Denver has established itself as a technology leader among peer institutions statewide. To date, three institutions (Colorado School of Mines, University of Northern Colorado, and Colorado Mesa University) have signed a letter of intent indicating that they plan to collaborate with MSU Denver on ERP strategy. This letter was shared with several Colorado State legislators.

Pillar IV: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  • The Workday HCM platform includes several features designed to support diversity and belonging in the workplace. The VIBE (Value Inclusion, Belonging, and Equity) Central dashboard and VIBE Index, included at no additional cost, provide insight into an organization’s gaps in representation, leadership, hiring, and attrition.

Pillar V: Organizational Agility and Sustainability

  • Implementation of this solution will support staff members at all levels, providing an improved employee experience from application through retirement. By delivering a streamlined experience and automation of current manual workflows, this solution will help the Human Resources team transform their services from a transactional model to a business partner-focus.
  • Similarly, this solution will revitalize our aging financial systems, and empower the team members who have been supporting dated, manual processes to take a broader, proactive approach to account and budget management.
  • Lastly, we project that over the next ten years, this project will yield a positive ROI (estimated at $6-12 million) by both reducing existing operating costs and by obviating significant new investments which would otherwise be needed to deliver comparable results to the organization.

Early Bird Article Archive

The Early Bird featured Workday articles throughout and after the implementation project, ensuring that all campus constituents stayed informed.


April 30, 2024 Window on Workday sheds light on how to prepare for fiscal year-end
April 24, 2024 View the Workday after-action report ahead of Monday’s town hall
April 15, 2024 Workday after-action findings set to be released
April 2, 2024 Elevate your professional development with Workday
March 15, 2024 New Jobs Hub app replaces Careers app in Workday
March 4, 2024 Tips on accessing tax docs and recording your name pronunciation in Workday
February 26, 2024 Workday Retrospective process moves toward completion
January 29, 2024 Process for validating grant-funded employee hours moved to Workday
January 24, 2024 W-2 and tax information available in Workday beginning Friday


December 20, 2023 Introducing Window on Workday
December 13, 2023 Comprehensive Workday review is on track
November 15, 2023 Take the confidential Workday retrospective survey by Dec. 1
November 8, 2023 Workday data helps illustrate University employment trends
July 31, 2023 Deadline to enter performance-management goals into Workday extended to Sept. 30
July 24, 2023 Set your performance targets in Workday beginning Aug. 1
June 27, 2023 Coming soon: Manage your SMART goals in Workday
June 20, 2023 Administrative staff must complete performance evaluations in Workday by June 30
June 16, 2023 Human Resources begins Compensation Equity Study
June 14, 2023 Introducing My Tasks: the reimagined Workday Inbox
May 31, 2023 Performance evaluations open in Workday on June 1
May 24, 2023 Reminder: Administrative-staff performance evaluations will be managed in Workday in June
May 22, 2023 Administrative staff evaluations move to Workday on June 1
May 12, 2023 New Workday training helps employees with performance evaluations
May 5, 2023 Workday Performance Management Workshops available May 11, June 1
May 2, 2023 New leadership development tool is planned for Workday Phase II
April 18, 2023 Performance evaluations moving to Workday in June
April 12, 2023 Next Workday phase is here
April 7, 2023 New business process for hiring through Workday
April 5, 2023 Top 10 most common Workday actions and how to complete them
March 21, 2023 New Workday Workshops available through May
March 10, 2023 Workday Worktags replace Banner FOAPALs
March 7, 2023 How to onboard and offboard employees in Workday
February 15, 2023 Where to find internal MSU Denver job postings
February 10, 2023 Have you downloaded the Workday mobile app?
February 8, 2023 Workday transforms employee experience, University business
January 26, 2023 Payroll Update: January pay to be processed Jan. 30
January 11, 2023 Workday is live!


December 20, 2022 Preparing employees for the launch of Workday on Jan. 4
December 14, 2022 TimeClock Plus is live until Jan. 4
December 13, 2022 Workday update: Temporary process to support affiliate faculty hiring in place
December 9, 2022 Transition to Workday eliminates paper forms
December 6, 2022 The latest on MSU Denver’s Workday transition
November 29, 2022 Workday Webinars begin Dec. 14
November 18, 2022 Filing expense reports and procurements easier in Workday
November 15, 2022 Workday Leader and other manager resources available
November 8, 2022 Maximize your team with the Workday mobile app
November 4, 2022 Workday Self-Service tools make Human Resources tasks easier
November 1, 2022 Attend one of November’s Workday Lunch & Learns
October 25, 2022 Final Workday Road Show on Thursday
October 18, 2022 Managing student employees during the Workday transition
October 4, 2022 A new Workday resource for managers
October 3, 2022 PeopleAdmin phasing out beginning this month
September 23, 2022 Workday project looking for User Experience Sessions volunteers
September 13, 2022 Fall Welcome Back celebrates successes, educators and technology transformations
September 13, 2022 Get ready for streamlined workdays
August 23, 2022 President’s Cabinet meeting covers enrollment, renovations, Workday transition
August 16, 2022 Get ready for a Workday transformation
July 26, 2022 Learn more about how Workday will make your work life easier
June 21, 2022 Have you heard about Workday?