Many kinds of jobs.

Two students working with one anotherThere are various employment types available for students ranging from student hourly, work-study, and internships, to career opportunities. Under each section below are more details about each employment type.

Student Hourly Employment

Student Hourly Employment is for students who will be paid from departmental, grant, or foundation funds. This includes International Students who have been granted authorization to work.

Undergraduate Students

  • All hourly student employees must maintain a semester GPA of at least 2.0 to participate and remain in the student employment program at MSU Denver.
  • Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits hours during the fall and spring semesters.
    • Exceptions are given to students taking less than 6 credit hours in the last semester before graduation.
  • For summer, the minimum credit limit is relaxed and a student it is not required to be enroll in summer classes. However, they must have been enrolled and worked in the spring and are enrolled and intend to work in the fall.
    • All students who do not take a minimum of 6 credit hours during the Summer Semester will be enrolled in the Student Employee Retirement Plan (SERP) that’s administered by TIAA-CREF.
  • Students who have just graduated are allowed to work one semester after graduation for the same department they have been working.
  • Undergraduates are allowed to work up to 30 hours a week during the academic year and up to 40 during official campus breaks.

Graduate Students

  • Graduate students taking less than five credit hours during the spring or fall semesters or taking fewer than three credit hours during the summer semester, will be enrolled in the Student Employee Retirement Plan (SERP).
  • They are limited to 30 hours a week and up to 40 during official campus breaks.

International Students

  • International student employees must submit to the Office of Human Resources a signed Employment Eligibility Form for International Students every semester they intend to work on-campus.
  • They must be enrolled full-time (12 credit hours) during the fall and spring semesters.
    • Over the summer semester if they are not enrolled in classes, they must have been enrolled full-time the previous spring semester and enrolled full-time (12 credit hours) the following fall semester.
    • Once an international student graduates, they are no longer eligible to work, unless they have proper documentation for Optional Practical Training and proper work authorization documentation.
  • International students are limited to 20 hours a week and up to 40 during official campus breaks.

Work-Study Employment

Work-study is an employment program that provides paid jobs for students who need to work to earn a portion of their education expenses. Work-study funds come from the state and federal government depending on which award you receive. Priority work-study funds are allocated first to students that earned work-study in the prior academic year.

The process of receiving work study, and other forms financial aid, starts with submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Complete and submit the FAFSA as early as possible to be considered for the best aid available. Financial aid is awarded based on need, which is determined in part by annual income.

The information you submit via the FAFSA will allow MSU Denver to determine how to help you meet your financial needs. To continue to receive financial aid throughout your academic career, you must submit the FAFSA every year.

For more information about this process please visit Financial Aid and Scholarships or call Financial Aid and Scholarships at 303-556-8593

For more information about Work Study, please visit Financial Aid and Scholarships

For more information about Off Campus Work Study, please visit: Off Campus Work Study – MSU Denver

Looking for a Work Study Job?

Check out the work study jobs currently available through the Student Employment Job Board and filter the Job Profile to match the work study that you have been awarded with:

Image of the list of Student Employee Job Profiles