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Prospective PIs can conduct funding opportunities research using government databases or OSRP subscription databases. OSRP subscribes to the ExLibris Pivot-RP funding database and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) Grants Resource Center (GRC) database.
The ExLibris Pivot-RP funding database allows faculty, staff and students to locate both public and private funding opportunities across all disciplines, and for many different purposes. Featuring 25,000 records representing over 400,000 opportunities worth over $33 billion, ExLibris Pivot-RP is the most comprehensive funding database available. With ExLibris Pivot-RP you can add your own tags to funding opportunities, create personalized folders, save and share searches, set up weekly alerts and let the system search for you.
Begin by viewing the Introduction to Pivot RP Database online workshop by OSRP Assistant Director, Kristin Baldwin.
Faculty, staff and students with existing ExLibris Pivot-RP accounts can log into ExLibris Pivot-RP using their same username and password. If you have forgotten your password, please contact Kristin Baldwin at [email protected].
Anyone with a valid MSU Denver email address that does not have an ExLibris Pivot-RP account can create a ExLibris Pivot-RP account at:
A good place to begin learning about Pivot functionaity is this selection of four videos: Working with Pivot-RP Funding Opportunities.
There are also a number of short tutorials on Pivot’s YouTube Channel, including Setting up Your Account and Profile in Pivot RP which provides instructions for creating your account, Updating Your Pivot RP Profile, and Discovering Pivot RP Profiles.
With Pivot Proviles, ExLibris Pivot-RP combines the ExLibris Pivot-RP funding opportunities database with a database of 3 million pre-populated scholar files unique to MSU Denver and other institutions. This allows users to search for a funding opportunity and instantly view matching faculty from inside or outside our institution. Conversely, a search for a scholar will link to matching funding opportunities.
The AASCU Grants Resource Center (GRC) proprietary search engine includes over 1500 private and federal funding opportunities screened for recurrence and for higher education eligibility. Search results provide a high proportion of viable opportunities because the database excludes solicitations that are limited to a specific region, that make fewer than three awards annually, and for which higher education institutions are not eligible to apply or partner.
Our subscription to GRC provides you with access to a comprehensive suite of tools, services, and expertise to improve your success in securing competitive grants from federal and private sponsors. The members-only website serves as a clearinghouse for higher education grant-seeking tools and resources. It provides access to the GRC database and GRC publications and funding guides. The website also houses proposal development guides, a library of funded proposals, and a weekly list of federal meetings.
To access the GRC database, and other resources, please create an account here and then go to the GRC Resources Page. Our representatives at GRC are also available to conduct a funding search for you.
For additional questions please contact OSRP Assistant Director, Kristin Baldwin. is the Federal government resource for locating current grant opportunities, guidelines, and applications. All federal grant opportunities are listed in You may search by specific keywords, funding instrument types (ex. grants, cooperative agreements, contracts), eligibility, categories, agencies, or opportunity numbers. is the Federal government’s website that posts all Federal contract opportunities with a value over $25,000. provides you with a sophisticated search engine for finding more than 40,000 immediate RFP opportunities, as well as archived records. It also lists possible future federal contract opportunities.
Supporting faculty and staff fundraising goals
Office Location:
1041 Ninth Street Park, Auraria Campus, Denver
Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (OSRP)
Campus Box 4
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362