Each spring, the Department of Social Work recognizes students and faculty for their accomplishments. We award nine student awards, multiple faculty of the year awards, and also recognize outstanding MSW Program capstone projects. We encourage you to read more about these accomplishments and honors below.

Student Awards

Each spring, the Department of Social Work recognizes four Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BSSW) students and five Master of Social Work (MSW) Program students with the Social Justice Advocate Awards, Social Work Leadership Awards, Social Work Internship Awards, and Social Work Scholar Awards. Students are nominated for these awards by faculty, fellow students, and internship partners with decisions made by a committee of departmental faculty and staff.

Social Justice Advocate Award

The Social Justice Advocate Award recognizes a student who has made a significant contribution in the advancement of human rights, peace, justice, or equality within the university, local or global communities. This award acknowledges students’ contributions towards the alleviation of social inequalities for marginalized communities, particularly based on race, class, sexuality, gender, ability status, and nationality. Each year, one award will be granted to a BSSW student and one award will be granted to an MSW student.

Social Work Leadership Award

The Social Work Leadership Award recognizes a student who has made a significant contribution to the Department of Social Work, as well as potentially, to the college, university, and/or local or global communities. Each year, one award will be granted to a BSSW student and one award will be granted to an MSW student.

Social Work Scholar Award

The Social Work Scholar Award recognizes a student who demonstrates excellence in research and writing. Each year, one award will be granted to a BSSW student and one award will be granted to an MSW student.

Social Work Intern Award


The Social Work Intern of the Year Award recognizes a student who has made a significant contribution to the organization where they’ve served their internship.

  • Demonstrates exceptional commitment to social work values
  • Focuses on providing excellent service
  • Provides advocacy to culturally diverse client populations

Each year, one award will be granted to a BSSW, MSW Foundation, and MSW Concentration student.

Faculty of the Year Awards

Each spring, the Department of Social Work recognizes faculty in both the Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BSSW) Program and the Master of Social Work (MSW) Program for their excellence in teaching and guiding our students. Faculty are nominated by students in the program and the awards are facilitated by the Phi Alpha Honor Society.

Capstone Project Recognition

The MSW Program Capstone course gives students the opportunity to integrate and apply foundational social work knowledge and skills by proposing and then conducting a meaningful field-based evaluation project.