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Major milestones are activities Communication Design Major, B.F.A. students should complete during their first year, middle years and final year at MSU Denver.

Image split into two sections, top image: Students in a classroom drawing individually on easels, bottom image: Two students work on a art piece; on the right side of image low opacity blue long rectangle with overlaid text that says: Art

Explore the Communication Design Major, B.F.A.

The Department of Art is a vibrant, diverse community where creativity is our passion. Whether you are interested in being a professional artist, designer, educator, or historian, you will learn the skills you need to pursue a career that feeds your curiosity. Classes in our department focus on innovation and experimentation in both traditional and new media with faculty focused on student success.



Major milestones consist of activities students should complete during their first year, middle years and final year at MSU Denver. These milestones will help prospective and current students explore major and career options and create a year-by-year plan to integrate curricular (what happens inside the classroom), co-curricular (what happens inside and outside the classroom, and non-curricular (what happens outside the classroom) experiences. For example, milestones might list specific classes student should take at specific times along their journey or may suggest when students should participate in research opportunities with faculty members.

Simply put, Major Milestones are meant to enhance your student experience and set you up for success.


Hand holding a plant icon


Provides opportunities inside and outside the classroom to cultivate and enhance your overall learning and academic experience.

Shaking hands icon


Highlights activities you can engage and participate in globally, nationally and locally to enhance your essential skills and start building your resume.

Cap and badge icon


Lists steps to prepare for postgraduate success whether that's entering the workforce, attending graduate school or pursuing other goals and plans.


ARRIVE - Your First Year at MSU Denver

Blue background graphic with a loading progress bar to the left, only filled up 25% of the way in red, Rowdy beside it with right hand raised up holding up one finger. Text to the left reading; What to do in your First year.

First Year Milestones

THRIVE - Your Middle Years at MSU Denver

Blue background graphic with a loading progress bar to the left, only filled up 60% of the way in red, Rowdy in the center with both hands raised up. Text above him reading; What to do in your Middle Years.

Middle Years Milestones

SOAR - Your Final Year at MSU Denver

Blue background graphic with a loading progress bar to the left, 100% filled up in red, text next to it reading; What to do in your Final Year. Rowdy to the Left in a graduation cap and gown.

Final Year Milestones

Roadrunner Roads

Things every student should do at MSU Denver.

Six people walk toward the camera in with the Tivoli Student Union and MSU Denver banners in the background.

Roadrunner Upkeep

Two women discussing files

Roadrunner Career Readiness

Rowdy plays Uno with a group of students

Roadrunner Wellbeing

Contact the Department of Art

Connect with Us

Phone: (303) 615-0300
Email: [email protected]

Click here to Explore the Department of Art

Campus Location:

Arts Building
First Floor, Suite 187

Arts Building, Auraria Campus – Google Map