National World Languages Week 2025

Let's Explore The World Without Leaving MSU Denver!

Get ready for the World Languages Fair on Thursday, March 6!

10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. in AES Gallery & Forum

World Languages Fair, Thursday, March 6, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in AES Forum and Gallery

World Languages Week Fair

Thursday, March 6, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

AES Building Forum and Gallery
The Aerospace and Engineering Sciences Building is located near JSSB and Dazbog Coffee; see campus map.


The Department of World Languages proudly invites you to the 2025 World Languages Fair. Join us to learn more about MSU Denver’s language programs, clubs, and services. Connect with career professionals to explore employment opportunities in our communities and beyond. Come for the information, stay for the fun! Featuring free food, music, prizes, and more!

This event is free and open to the campus community!

Questions? Please email Dr. Andreea Prundeanu-Thrower

Sponsored by the Department of World Languages

World Languages Week: Your Daily Dose

Every year, MSU Denver celebrates World Languages Week.  Each day is themed and designed to showcase a variety of languages and cultures from around the world.

Music Monday (March 3)

Translation Tuesday (March 4)

Workplace Wednesday (March 5)

Language Fair Thursday (March 6)

Foodie Friday (March 7)

Music Monday

Join in the fun by checking out our curated music playlists, featuring recommendations submitted by MSU Denver students, faculty, and staff.

Translation Tuesday

Thinking of a career in translation and/or interpreting?

Events are TBD, but take a look at the videos of last year’s outstanding speakers!

Karen Tkaczyk of Vistatec Life Sciences gives useful advice in this captioned video.

Robert Sette, President of the Colorado Interpreters and Translators Association, summarizes the importance of professional networking in this captioned video.


Workplace Wednesday

Language skills are always in demand and will give you a competitive advantage in the workplace, no matter what field of study you choose.

Explore what U.S. employers say and browse a selection of sectors to find out more about what you can do with your MSU Denver degree in languages.

Thinking of a career in languages and want to hear from experts? Get tips for success from professional French/English translator and interpreter Corinne McKay in this short captioned video.


Language Fair Thursday

Join us in-person!

  • Thursday, March 6, 10:00am – 3:00pm
  • AES Building Forum

The World Languages Fair is MSU Denver’s main event in the annual celebration of World Languages Week. Join us for games, prizes, food, music, photo ops, and fun! This year’s Fair features a Q&A with a retired Foreign Service Officer as well as  career speakers from the translation industry, TBA.

This event is free and open to the campus community!

Foodie Friday

Update coming soon, stay tuned!