Exercise is Medicine—On Campus program is developed by the American College of Sports Medicine and adopted by the MSU Denver Department of Human Performance and Sport and their students.

The goal of the program is to improve the health and well-being of MSU Denver’s campus community by creating a culture of daily movement. 


The Exercise is Medicine—On Campus initiative works to provide the tools and resources necessary to become more active.  Our chapter of the organization will bring events to faculty and staff that will be based on a unique topic each month, and will have a screening component where participants can see where their health level is, an educational component, and a physical activity related to the subject.

We are excited to be able to bring our knowledge and skills to build a campus empowered by health!

Click to learn more about the Exercise is Medicine-On Campus program

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Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences

Email: [email protected] l Phone: 303-615-1818

Main Office Location:
Physical Education/Event Center (PE) 217
Campus Map

Mailing Address:
PO Box 173362
Campus Box 25
Denver, CO 80202