MSU Denver, Community College of Denver, and various high school students attend the Health Institute Navigate Your Health Career Event on Feb 23, 2024, at Tivoli. Photo by Alyson McClaran
MSU Denver, Community College of Denver, and various high school students attend the Health Institute Navigate Your Health Career Event on Feb 23, 2024, at Tivoli. Photo by Alyson McClaran
The Health Institute and C2Hub organized Navigate Your Health Career Event. The event highlighted various career pathways and hosted panel discussions and workshops. Alumni had the opportunity to mingle with Metropolitan State University of Denver Health Institute departments, including master’s programs.
A panel discussion "Working On The Front Lines Of Equality," at Navigate Your Health Career Event, moderated by Dr. Jessica H. Retrum. Panelist, from left to right, Dr. Cerise Hunt, PHD,MSW, Emily Gamm, MSW, LCSW, CAS, ACS, Mekinzi Douglas, MSW, LSW, Hollyanne Giffin, LCSW, LAC.