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Give to the Educators of Principle Program

Purpose: Educators of Principle (formerly Roadrunner Diversity Scholars Program) is a program in the MSU Denver School of Education dedicated to cultivating a community of educators committed to excellence through diversity and educational justice. We recruit and retain outstanding students from underrepresented groups in education, promote a deep understanding and respect for diverse perspectives, nurture critical reflection and engagement, develop culturally sustaining teaching practices, and build multi-generational support networks. Educators of Principle seeks to radically humanize the teacher education experience.

We provide intentional and responsive supports that are founded on three fundamental program activities:

  1. Academic advising
  2. Social, cultural, and professional growth
  3. Scholarship (Providing financial support to make teaching a viable life option)

Rationale of Name Change:

We rebranded the Roadrunner Diversity Scholars Program to Educators of Principle with the tagline “excellence through diversity and educational justice” to better align with our mission of cultivating future educators who champion equity and justice in their work. The new name reflects our focus on developing principled educators who are not only diverse but also deeply committed to advancing educational justice. By emphasizing “excellence” and “principle,” we offer diversity not just as a label but as a strength and a critical driver of impactful, transformative education.