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The Fulbright Group Projects Abroad provides grants to support overseas projects in training, research, and curriculum development in area studies by teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty engaged in a common endeavor.
Each seminar is designed to help integrate international studies into an institution’s or school system’s general curriculum. Seminars are four to six weeks in length and focus on a particular aspect of area studies, such as the culture, history, or politics of a region.

MSU Denver has led eight previous Fulbright-Hays GPA projects and these programs of study have advanced understanding of diverse religions, cultures, histories, and modern practices in our increasingly global society.

Projects from Turkey and Morocco, the most recent GPA experiences, are featured below.



Brooke El-Merrahi
Project Link
YouTube Slideshow

This is a website I have created with resources and examples of how an educator can utilize the connections I have made within their future teaching.

Anthony Heideman
Project Link

Informal Presentation to the annual meeting of the Colorado Chapter of Fulbright in Denver CO, Sept 13, 2015. –I incorporated lecture material about the history of the Maghreb into lectures about the spread of Islam in my Western Civilization I lectures. 10/22/2015, 10/26/2015 –Present highlights of Morocco seminar to other history and college faculty at FRCC. I presented a lecture to my History of the Middle Ages (College Sophomores) Course, covering the history of Morocco and Andalusia on 9/17/2015.

Catlyn Keenan
(no link)

I have provided a link to the website that contains ALL of the activities I have conducted and have planned. The site includes interviews, presentations, and curriculum. I will update the website on an ongoing basis and I continue to produce materials.

Danielle Langworthy
Project Link

Avery Little
Project Link

This portfolio includes two units, three weeks each, to be taught in a high school English Language Arts classroom. One focuses on culture and folklore. The other uses the 2011 Constitution of Morocco and explores the notion of what I call aspirational texts — pieces of writing that declare “who we want to be,” or at least “who we want to be seen as.” It examines the intersections of religion, politics, and language.

Katherine Martinez
Project Link

This presentation is meant to span one to two weeks of in-class discussion in the course “Theories of Love and Sex.” I have presented this lecture on two separate occasions for the Fulbright Alumni Association annual meeting (15 participants) and a Metropolitan State University of Denver Global Luncheon seminar (30 participants).

Lincoln Phillips
Project Link

I delivered this project/module in my Digital Photography One class this semester for the first time. It ‘replaced’ a more open project format by directly engaging students with the contemporary creative photographic work from Moroccan artists whom I became aware of during the Fulbright-Hays project. The result was very rewarding for this class and I intend on continuing this module in my classes going forward!

Ashley Shorten
Project Link

Ann Williams
Project Link

This online curriculum resource will be used in all of my culture classes to help students learn HOW to learn about cultures. The activities can be replicated and the stories Journal de rencontres are designed to be read and used for a study of different aspects of hospitality in Morocco.



Katiana Brenner
Culture and Proverbs Unit Plan

This unit introduces students to the concept of culture and has them compare Turkey and the United States through this lens. It also explores more deeply one aspect of culture: proverbs. Students will learn what proverbs are and how to interpret them.

Laura Conti
Stories from the Borders: The Impact of Location on Life in Modern Turkey

Students will explore news stories taking place along Turkey’s borders and analyze Turkey’s interactions with its neighbors.

Missy Heagle
Turkish Art and Culture: Elementary Art Unit

Trent McFalls
Project Link

This is a website designed as a unit of inquiry to allow students to explore all that Turkey has to offer as a place of historical value and of current international importance.

Caryl Olson
(no link)

Melinda Ornelas
(no link)

Includes literacy, math and social studies lessons