MTR/ENV 3100 – Air Pollution
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): ENV 1200 or MTR 2020
Description: This course examines the causes and control of air pollution. Topics include pollutant sources and sinks, regional and global-scale pollution problems, monitoring and sampling techniques, regulatory control, meteorological influences, and indoor air quality.
Instructors: Wagner
Semesters Taught: rarely
Elective for MTR major, MTR minor, environmental science elective
MTR/GEG 3330 – Climatology
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MTR 1400 or GEG 1100, and completion of quantitative literacy requirement
Description: Climatology examines the characteristics, distribution, and causes of global and regional climate. Physical and dynamic mechanisms of climate are emphasized. The course also explores the spatial and temporal distributions of the main climate elements. Climate change topics include paleoclimatology, observed shifts in climate, climate model projections, and potential impacts of global warming.
Instructors: Schuenemann
Required for MTR Major, elective for MTR Minor, required for Climate Change Minor, elective for Geography majors and minors.
Required for Climate Change Minor, elective for MTR Major and Minor, elective for Environmental Science programs.
MTR 3400 – Synoptic Meteorology
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MTR 2020
Description: This course presents a descriptive approach to the structure and behavior of mid-latitude, synoptic-scale weather systems. Primary topics include the physics of synoptic-scale air motion, the role of synoptic weather systems in the general circulation, jet streams, airmasses, fronts, and the application of these to cyclones and anticyclones. Elementary quasi-geostrophic theory and weather forecasting are introduced.
Instructors: Ng
Required for MTR Major, MTR minor
MTR 3410 – Weather Analysis Techniques
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MTR 3400
Description: This is a course in interpretation, understanding, and analysis of weather data, focusing on conventional surface and upper-air data and use of these data in current weather diagnostics. Topics include traditional hand analysis of surface and upper-air weather maps, spatial and temporal cross-sections, thermodynamic diagrams, meso-analyses, and prognostic charts. These topics form the foundation for correct and efficient use of modern computer analysis. This is an essential course for operational and applied research meteorologists.
Instructors: Ng
Required for MTR major, elective for MTR minor
MTR 3420 – Radar and Satellite Meteorology
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MTR 2020 and MTH 1110 College Algebra or higher
Description: This course provides a physics-based study of the uses of radar and satellites and their application to various meteorological problems. Basic theories of radar and satellites will be applied to the interpretation and analysis of various radar and satellite products. The lab component focuses on the interpretation of radar and satellite imagery using computer display software.
Instructors: Ng
Required for MTR major 2021 and onward, elective for MTR minor
MTR 3430 – Atmospheric Thermodynamics
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MTH 1410 (calc 1), PHY 2010 or PHY 2311 (college or general physics), MTR 2020 (intro lab)
Description: This course covers classical thermodynamics and its application to atmospheric processes. Main topics include the equation of state, first and second laws of thermodynamics, adiabatic processes of dry and moist air, stability, thermodynamic diagrams, thermodynamic variables, and convection.
Instructors: Wagner
Required for MTR major, elective for MTR minor
MTR 3440 – Physical Meteorology
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MTH 2410, PHY 2311, PHY 2321, and MTR 2020
Description: This course is an application of classical physics to common processes in the atmosphere. Main topics include cloud and precipitation physics, atmospheric radiation, radiative transfer, lightning, optical phenomena and weather modification.
Instructors: Wagner
Semesters Taught: F24, S26, F27 (Every third semester)
Required for old MTR major, required for professional concentration, elective for applied concentration, elective for MTR minor
MTR 3450 – Dynamic Meteorology
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MTR 2020 Weather and Climate Lab, MTH 2410 Calculus II, PHY 2311 General Physics I
Description: This course covers the fundamentals of fluid dynamics necessary for understanding large-scale atmospheric motions. The focus of the course is the development, derivation, and analysis of the laws of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy, as they apply to middle latitude, synoptic scale weather systems.
Instructors: Schuenemann
Required for old MTR major, required for professional concentration, elective for applied concentration, elective for MTR minor
MTR 3500 – Hazardous Weather
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MTR 1400 or AES 1400; and completion of General Studies requirements in Written Communication
Description: This course considers the nature and causes of hazardous weather, the predictability of hazardous weather events, and the economic and societal impacts of these events. The strategies for the protection of life and property from hazardous weather are also considered.
Instructors: Landolt, Wagner
Elective for old MTR major, required for applied concentration, elective for professional concentration, elective for MTR minor
MTR 3710 – Meteorology Internship
Credits: 3-6
Prerequisite(s): Registration with the C2Hub Internship Program.
Description: This course provides an on-the-job internship experience with a meteorology-related company or agency. The experience must be done under qualified supervision and the auspices of an Earth and Atmospheric Sciences faculty member.
Note: This course may be repeated for up to 12 credits; the first enrollment must be a minimum of 3 credits.
Instructors: usually the current department chair
Semesters Taught: fall, spring, summer
Elective for MTR major, elective for MTR minor
MTR 3777 – Field Observations of Severe Weather
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MTR 2410 and MTR 3410
Description: This field-based course is intended to combine classroom theories with actual field observations. Students are required to meet for an one-hour course on safety and expectations before the start of the class. The course will concentrate severe weather field observations across Central and High-Plains. Overnight stay will be necessary due to the ever-changing nature of weather patterns. Additional course fee is required. Students are responsible to pay for the outside incidentals, such as food and drinks.
Instructors: Landolt
Semesters Taught: some Maymesters
Elective for MTR major, elective for MTR minor
MTR 4210 – Forecasting Laboratory
Credits: 1
Prerequisite(s): MTR 3410
Description: This is a laboratory course in which the principles of synoptic meteorology and weather computer technology are used in developing a weather forecast. Students are introduced to computerized weather data access, display, and analysis using meteorological software applications. Students learn to use surface and upper-air data, satellite and radar imagery, numerical model output, and other weather data in the preparation of weather forecasts. Principles of weather briefing and forecast decision making are also introduced.
Instructors: Ng, Schuenemann
Semesters Taught: rarely, see MTR 3000 Weather Discussion for a similar option
Elective for MTR major, elective for MTR minor, may be repeated up to 4 times.
MTR 4400 – Advanced Synoptic Meteorology
Credits: 4
Prerequisite(s): MTR 2410 Weather Observing Systems, MTR 3410 Weather Analysis Techniques, MTR 3450 Dynamics
Description: This course is a calculus-based examination of the three-dimensional structure of mid-latitude, synoptic scale weather systems. Main topics include quasi-geostrophic theory, extratropical cyclone structure and evolution, diagnosis of vertical motions, jet streams, and frontogenesis. The lab component involves the hand analysis and computer-based analysis of live, forecasted, and archived weather data.
Instructors: Schuenemann
Required for old MTR major, required for professional concentration, elective for applied concentration, elective for MTR minor
MTR 4500 – Mesometeorology
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): MTR 3410 Weather Analysis Techniques and MTH 1410 Calculus I
Description: This is an advanced course in recognizing, understanding, and forecasting mesoscale weather events (severe thunderstorms, hailstorms, tornadoes, downslope windstorms, flash floods, snowstorms, etc.) with emphasis on theory, analysis of weather data, and forecast decision making.
Instructors: Ng
Required for old MTR major, required for professional concentration, elective for applied concentration, elective for MTR minor
MTR 4600 – Meteorology Research Seminar
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): Senior Standing and 12 upper division(3000+) meteorology credits (Please see advisor if you need to take this before you have achieved the prerequisites)
Description: This is a capstone course required of all meteorology majors. Students engage in a research project that involves the application of scientific methodology to meteorological or climatological data and problem solving. Students learn to do literature searches, create a problem statement, handle data, perform statistical analysis, and present data and results. Technical writing and oral presentation skills are emphasized.
University Requirement(s): Senior Experience
Instructors: Landolt, Ng, Wagner, Schuenemann
Required for MTR major