MSU Denver and the Auraria Campus will delay opening until 10 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 21.

Repeat Course

University Policy allows students to enroll in an individual, MSU Denver course a maximum of two times, unless the course is designated as repeatable. The department offering the course may approve additional attempts.

For more information about this policy, see: University Catalog

To get approval to repeat Computer Science Courses, students must complete the following:

For General Studies courses:

STEP 1. Complete the Course Repetition Form: Repeat Course Form

Human Services, Journalism, Technical Communication and Business majors can skip step 2 and go directly to step 3.  (Exception:  Business Majors who are attempting a course for the 5th time must meet with the Associate Dean of the School of Business before moving to step 3.)

STEP 2. Meet with an advisor in your major department to get approval

STEP 3. Meet with a Computer Sciences Advisor* to discuss the options that are available that will help you be successful in the repeated course.

*For a list of approved advisors, go to Faculty and Staff Advisory Directory


For all other Computer Science courses:

STEP 1. Complete the Course Repetition Form (click button below)

STEP 2. If the course is required for your major, meet with an advisor in your major department to get approval..

 If the course is required for your minor, meet with an advisor in your minor department to get approval.

STEP 3. Meet with a Computer Sciences Advisor* to discuss the options that are available that will help you be successful in the repeated course.

*For a list of approved advisors, go to Faculty and Staff Advisory Directory

Form fill out: Course Repetition Form