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Metro’s CIS program is part of the School of Business. The CIS undergraduate program consists of a set of tightly integrated courses, where a close working relationship is developed between faculty and students.
Career choices for CIS graduates include:

  • General Business Careers
  • Information Officer
  • Technologies Manager
  • Business Systems Analyst
  • User Support Specialist
  • Database Administrator
  • Network Administrator
  • Telecommunications Manager

Today’s business world requires technical knowledge as well as general business knowledge. A CIS degree provides the combination of technical and business knowledge that the business community desires. In CIS you will take the core business courses as well as a complete set of information system courses to ensure the through preparation for your career.

Career Resources

Job Preparation Related Sites

SoYouWanna Write an Impressive Resumé
This site describes a great approach to getting a resume together. It is written based on the assumption that the reader is either still in college, or has just recently graduated. This is a must for creating an impressive resume.

Job Related Sites
This is probably the best known job search engine. They claim to have 445,000 job listings. The site is not specifically tailored to either IT jobs, or college students but the search options are flexible enough to allow customization to most any criteria. You can establish an account, submit multiple resumes, and create an automatic search agent to look for available jobs which match a specified criteria.
Jobs are listed from help wanted adds in leading newspapers and from websites of various companies. This could be a great time-saver, allowing job seekers to have the benefit of checking out jobs in newspapers without the tedium of actually going through each paper. It may also be of interest to check out their company profiles. Searches can be by industry categories and location.
Recruiters On Line
A network of 8,000 recruiters post their jobs here. This is an association of employment agencies and professionals which assists in posting and broadcasting jobs online. Job seekers can submit their resumes to be included in the database.
This is a large national site that is in the process of combining with  The downside is that the site has some obvious commercial promotions (e.g. banner advertising with doubleclick). As with any site, a potential user should check out their privacy policy before submitting personal information.
4 Anything’s Employment section
This list of job search engines wouldn’t be complete without a reference to 4Anything. Check out their Resume Tips and 4Internships (4Internships… is on the side bar).

Job Related Sites

I-Recruit – Best Colorado Recruiters & Search Firms
This page is specific to Colorado, and can be specialized even more to cover “Aurora, Colorado Springs, Delta, Denver, Englewood, Ft Collins, Greenwood Village, and Lakewood. It is a directory of recruiters, and consists of links, each with short sentence by the recruiter or recruiting service.
Listings of Job-related sites (
Another “mega-” site, which includes lists of Local sites, Corporate sites, College sites, and others. Follow the links; you may find a company or listing which matches your needs. The College sites lists a number of well-known companies as well as recruiters which specialize in college graduates.