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AVS Student Code of Conduct, Academic Integrity, and Professionalism
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Aviation and Aerospace Science Department (AVS)
Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) and the Aviation and Aerospace Science Department (AVS) of MSU Denver are committed to protecting the welfare of all stakeholders to the University and AVS department. This commitment includes supporting and protecting the academic integrity of all educational processes conducted in the AVS department.
Therefore, all students enrolled in academic classes offered by the AVS Department are expected to sustain a high degree of professional behavior and ethics during their enrollment at MSU Denver and especially while attending classes provided by the AVS Department. This code applies to AVS degree seeking students, AVS enrolled non-degree seeking students, or AVS students auditing or officially admitted in any other category of enrollment at the University.
The AVS Student Code of Conduct, Academic Integrity, and Professionalism has as its foundation for policy and expected requirements of all its students the MSU Denver’s Student Code of Conduct as described in the MSU Denver Student Code of
Conduct (see . The AVS Student Code of Conduct requires that all AVS students follow the policies, requirements, and ethics as defined in the MSU Denver Student Handbook and current University Catalog throughout their enrollment at the University (see ).
In addition to the policies, requirements, and ethics as defined in the MSU Denver Student Handbook and current University Catalog, the AVS Department expects a degree of professionalism and student conduct/ethic that equates to professionalism as expected in the domains of aviation and aerospace, including related industries and higher levels of academic pursuit. The foundational basis for these expectations are grounded in and established from recommendations, expectations, and values as outlined in various legal, academic, and professional codes of conduct within our professions. The following are expectations of the behavior and ethics required of all AVS students as also adopted by related professional agencies:
1. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 14: Aeronautics and Space PART 61 expects that applicants seeking qualification to be certified as Airline Transport Pilots “Be of good moral character.” The AVS department sustains the spirit of this regulation, and further holds “good moral character” to imply traits of honesty, mutual respect, accountability, responsibility, and academic integrity as values and ethics that will be expected of all AVS students.
2. The AVIATOR’S MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT (AMCC Code of Conduct) as applied to advanced flight safety, airmanship, and professionalism
a. Of importance to the AVS Student Code of Conduct, Academic Integrity, and Professionalism, we highlight the following from AMCC (p. 4):
i. Aspire to professionalism.
ii. Act with responsibility and courtesy.
iii. Adhere to applicable laws and regulations.
1. This subpart applies to University regulations, codes of conduct, AVS honor code requirements and individual AVS class syllabus requirements.
iv. Be aware of personal susceptibility to (and seek to avoid or manage) distraction, fatigue, stress, and hazardous attitudes.
v. Recognize that your actions reflect upon the entire aviation community.
vi. Adhere to the highest ethical principles in all aviation dealings.
b. In addition to the above, AVS also expects all students to subscribe to the following values directly associated with professionalism
(see ):
i. Maintain and respect the need for good judgment.
ii. Maintain and respect the need for ensuring the safety of others through individual actions, communications, and behavior.
iii. Understand and accept consequences for misfeasance or malfeasance.
3. The National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) (see
a. To conduct both our professional and personal lives in a manner to reflect credit on the profession and to set an example of self-discipline for all pilots.
4. The American Association of Airport executives (AAAE)
a. Be dedicated to the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships in order to earn and retain the respect and confidence of public officials, employees, and the general public.
b. Resist any encroachment on professional responsibility and duties.
c. Conduct myself in my public and personal life in a matter in accordance with the rules of civil and criminal law.
Students found in violation of the AVS Student Code of Conduct, Academic Integrity, and Professionalism and related MSU Denver standards and policies as described above may be procedurally dropped from the AVS program. Examples of resolutions resulting from this process may also include:
1. Mandated change of major from AVS to another non-AVS program.
2. Prohibition from registering for additional AES prefix classes (or related cross-listed classes).
3. Formal notices of AVS Honor Code processes and remedies.
4. The immediate reporting to MSU Denver authorities and law enforcement agencies of any student specific behavioral standards that may be held or interpreted as a threat to the safety and well-being of all students, faculty/staff, and other stakeholders as might be potentially affected by such actions (e.g., open hostility, deliberate interruptions to class, threats, derogatory or commonly accepted offensive comments, etc.)
a. Possible outcomes from such violations may lead to:
i. Expulsion from the University
ii. Probation status or restricted from registering for any classes
iii. Prohibited from returning to campus properties or facilities
iv. Other outcomes as specified by law enforcement agencies or MSU Denver’s Judicial Affairs