
You will complete 30 credit hours for the MPAcc degree:

  • 21 credit hours of required core courses
  • 6 credit hours of open accounting electives
  • 3 credit hours of an experiential learning course

MPAcc degree requirements, course descriptions, and prerequisite information is available in the Graduate Catalog.

Planned Course Offerings By Term

Core Major Courses (7 courses, 21 credits required)


Course Title Prerequisite  Fall  Spring Summer
ACCM 5000 Accounting Ethics, Professionalism, and Leadership None X X
ACCM 5020 Communication and Accounting Research None X X
ACCM 5070 Taxation for Decision Makers None X X
ACCM 5400 Strategic Cost Management ACCM 5050 or ACC 2020 X X
ACCM 5510 Accounting Theory ACCM 5020, & ACCM 5100 or ACC 3520 X X
ACCM 6580 Financial Statement Analysis and Quantitative Methods ACCM 5100 or ACC 3510 X X
ACCM 5200 OR Contemporary Auditing Issues ACCM 5100 or ACC 3520 X
ACCM 5600 Fraud Examination Awareness Seminar ACCM 5100 or ACC 3520 X

Open Accounting Electives (2 courses, 6 credits required)


Course Title Prerequisite  Fall  Spring Summer
ACCM 5060 Commercial Law for Accountants ACCM 5050 or ACC 2020 X
MBA 5220* Practical Business Analytics None X
MBA 5230* Data Mining for Business Intelligence None X
ACCM 5650 Legal Elements of Fraud ACCM 5600  X
ACCM 5800 Governance and Risk Assurance ACCM 5020 or ACCM 5100 or ACC 3520 X
ACCM 5090 Tax Research ACCM 5070 or ACC 3090 X
ACCM 6100 Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders I ACCM 5070 or ACCM 5090 X
ACCM 6140 Small Business Tax ACCM 5070 or ACCM 5090 X

Experiential Learning Elective (1 course, 3 credits required)


Course Title Prerequisite  Fall  Spring Summer
ACCM 5810 Small Business Consulting and Accounting ACCM 5100 or ACC 3510, & ACCM 5400 or ACC 3400 X
ACCM 5901 Risk Assurance and Advanced Projects ACCM 5020  X X
ACCM 5980 Master’s Accounting Internship Review and approval needed X X X
ACCM 6080 Tax Site Leadership and Management Review and approval needed X
ACCM 6950 Accounting Research Assistantship Review and approval needed X X X

*Note that MBA 5220 and MBA 5230 are MBA courses that MPAcc students are allowed to take. MBA program specific tuition and fees are associated with these MBA courses.