ruth mayercak

Ruth Mayercak - Event Coordinator

Languages: English

Areas of Expertise: I love sharing stories about my vast career in Event Management. Having been a waitress, bartender, restaurant manager, hotel conference planner, and fundraising donor relations, I can speak to the many career paths with ease.

Alma Mater(s): Michigan State University, MSU Denver

Office Hours: 7:30am – 3:30pm

Meet Ruth!

If you want a state of the art event, contact me! I am an Event Specialist with over 40 years of experience. Groundbreakings, building dedications, NCAA Basketball receptions, Rose Bowl pep rally and tailgate for 10,000, and leading a trip to Italy for 20 couples are just a few examples of my events. I have a bachelor’s degree in Event Management from both Michigan State University and MSU Denver. When not at work, you may find me at a rock concert, musical at the theater, sporting event, or just cruising the highway in my convertible. My favorite teams are MSU Spartans and the Detroit Lions.

School of Hospitality

Located in the Hospitality Learning Center (HLC)

Address: 1190B Auraria Parkway Room 209

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Mailing Address:


School of Hospitality

PO Box 173362

Campus Box 60

Denver, CO 80217-3362

Contact Information:


Phone: 303-615-1616

Email: [email protected]
